I sent a copy of the email, I sent to the Village of Palatine, Invernessl, because I think this lack of respect and abusing the law is not a good thing and I would hope some of these judges would open their eyes...

We all know about cook county judges, the reputation far exceeds them. but just like cops, plumbers etc., there are good ones and bad ones and yes, it seems a few spoil the entire barrel.

Can't have 100 %, of bad apples in a barrel? hope not. I hope you get my gist.

The bias is that these judges will,

leave things alone (the saying don't rock the ship),

won't ever see letter,

save their brother hood bar buddies,

don't get involved,

I just don't know. I tried.

Aso look at my http://northwest-suburban-bar-association.blogspot.com/ blog and you will see another 3k? contacts

In time these people will be out, retired or dead. Will the mess be be gone? Hopefully yes, but probably not, just difftent names. The children of today will be the adults for tomorrow. Garbage in and Garbage out, day after day, year after year.

At this rate, things for the future don't look good.